LOTD #195 - intellectual girl... ♥


Hair: Besom - Bae - @The Epiphany
Skin: Glam Affair - Pia - @Kustom9
Eyeshadow: STUDIO EXPOSURE - Retro Glam 60's - @Lost and Found Event
Choker: [Cynful] - Gratitdute - GROUP GIFT !!
Tattoo: TattooMania - T-01 - @Haus of Swag Fair
Dress: WONDERLOST - Clara - @Bloody Horror Fair - OPENS OCTOBER, 25th !!
Shoes: Blueberry - Secret Shoes RARE - @The Epiphany

House: :HAIKEI: - All I wanna do gacha Skybox RARE - @Kustom9
Rug: .peaches. - Spoiler RARE - @Geeks'n'Nerds
Pillows: .peaches. - We pillows three - @Geeks'n'Nerds
Video Game:  .peaches. - Floppy drive - @Geeks'n'Nerds
Paintbrushes: :HAIKEI: - All I wanna do gacha - @Kustom9
Painting: :HAIKEI: - All I wanna do gacha - @Kustom9
Frames: .peaches. - Boom Pow Frames -  @Geeks'n'Nerds